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The face in the moon sees the injustice of the world and the glowing sun will shine the light of truth and hope.

Information about Darkpaw

Life Before Puddleby

I was born in the southern forests of an island who's name I did not know, but which now houses the town of Puddleby itself. My parents were slaughtered in a cruel Darshak ritual when I was only an infant, and I only managed to escape notice by hiding in a tree. Soon after, exiles began arriving north of my home, and while I was afraid of them, I still decided to watch them and learn how they lived. It was only some 5 weeks ago that I finally joined the population of exiles in the town itself so that I may help them in their struggles against the forces which killed my parents and have poisoned the land itself. All the evil in this land is the fault of Mobius, since all were peaceful before his forces arrived, and I will see him pay in blood for what he has done.

Life In Puddleby

I watch over the town and its people, and protect the east and south forests from dangers. I enjoy helping travellers who have lost their way, since I know directions for every island in our isolated continent. When people in Puddleby are short in funds, I will often make a donation for them without request of future compensation, since I have no real need for money. I guess my main job is to make people's lives easier no matter what their history or beliefs. Sadly though, there are those that think badly of me whose views I feel obligated to change one way or another.