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The face in the moon sees the injustice of the world and the glowing sun will shine the light of truth and hope.

Information about Chuckey

Life Before Puddleby

My life began quite simple and disorganized. I was born in a small tribal village to a young slave woman and her master. My father, who wanted nothing to do with me, and my mother could who not do anything with me, sent me away to live as a servent boy for the mighty emperor. The emporer took a liking to me and had many of his servants help me to become quick, cunning, as well as brave no earlier then age 5. I was smart in the ways of persuading and trickery. However, I did have a soft spot in which I could not help but aid people in their time of need and mentor those whom needed mentoring. It was sort of like my duty, I could do nothing but fufill it. One day the emperor became very angry, he started taxing my people, displaying public slaughters as demonstrations, and placed many cruel restrictions apon my people. Many of us, including me were exiled to the town of Puddleby. Although he was not mad at me, he said I would have to join the others, and to make him happy by spreading on the knowledge he himself, and his many servants have taught me.

Life In Puddleby

Besides taking on wild adventures and exploring with many of my fellow exiles, I also like to mentor those in need, and provide a sense of importance among the exiles in Puddleby. I provide support in many ways, may it be teaching fighting styles, giving financial support, or even encouragement with a good karma or two. I'm always there to help someone, and I seldomly, if ever say no to someone who's in trouble. As long as I am an exile on Puddleby, I will try to enjoy and make the most of my time. I will try to fit in as well as allow others to feel as if they fit in. I want to feel challenged, but most of all, I want to be inspired. :)